Winter Hill Apartments
Dong Bui RSC, Winter Hill Apartments, Falls Church, Virginia
Dong Bui has been with Operation Pathways, Inc. since October 2013. She equips the seniors at her property with the knowledge and resources to help live a better life by organizing workshops, computer classes, assisting them with Medicare/Medicaid paperwork, and believing in their capabilities and not their limitations. Dong Bui was in charge of elderly assistance program at BPSOS Inc. for four years. Dong also worked as a counselor for elderly Vietnamese trauma survivors, who were former South-Vietnam soldiers imprisoned by the communists after the fall of Saigon. This position helped to establish communication and provide support via a program funded by Boat People SOS, Inc. In 1990, Dong Bui also received a bachelor’s degree in computer science from Central State University, Edmond, Oklahoma.