Pathway to Academic Achievement focuses on the educational needs of residents. Operation Pathways promotes academic success and lifelong learning as a means to break the cycle of poverty. Examples of some programs offered in this category are:
The Brighten Up afterschool and summer program includes four components: Academic Assistance, The Exploration Station; Wellness Now; and our Virtual Vacation curriculum.
Academic Assistance
Each day during our afterschool and summer programs, we provide our youth with academic support and assistance. Some children need assistance and supervision when completing homework assignments, while others benefit from individual tutoring. Participants are taught the importance of good homework habits and are encouraged and empowered to produce high-quality work on their assignments. The Brighten Up staff works closely with school teachers and administrators to connect in-school learning with out-of-school time academic support.
The Exploration Station
This component of our afterschool and summer programs promotes individualized education for all participants. The Exploration Station is directed by the education specialist, who is responsible for offering academic assistance, individualized and small group tutoring, and who ensures that educational outcomes are being met. The Exploration Station focuses on developing participants’ math and reading skills using hands-on manipulatives to create a fun, interactive learning environment.
Wellness NOW
These services seek to increase healthy behavior in children during out-of school time. Our staff instructs youth about the importance of making healthy choices as they are introduced to nutritious, new, and delicious snacks. In addition, children participate in physical fitness testing which measures their agility, speed, and strength and they also have at least 20 minutes of physical activity each day.
Virtual Vacation
Our Virtual Vacation Curriculum connects youth to the world through project based learning activities. The Virtual Vacation program is a curriculum developed by Operation Pathways and has been nationally recognized for its creative approach to teaching cultural education. Virtual Vacation layers academic components (literacy, math, geography, history, science, etc.) with creative components (fine arts, music, theater, sports/fitness, culinary, culture, etc.) to provide participants with a rich and interactive learning experience.
YES Brigade is designed to help guide and mentor teens as they progress through middle and high school while encouraging post-secondary education opportunities and the development of life skills. Through the YES Brigade program for youth in 7th–12th grades, we provide a variety of opportunities for teens in our communities. The YES Brigade program seeks to empower teens in making wise choices, understanding post-secondary career/college options, leadership, financial literacy, and life skills development while increasing high school graduation rates and positive youth development outcomes in the neighborhoods that we serve.